Me TV, it's TV for me computer
Me TV is a digital television viewer for GNOME.
Me TV was developed for the modern digital lounge room with a PC for a media centre that is capable of normal PC tasks (web surfing, word processing and watching TV). It is not designed to be a full-blown media centre such as MythTV but will integrate well with the existing GNOME desktop. It has been designed from its inception to be completely mouse driven.
Features currently include:
- Completely mouse driven
- Current and future program information
- Instant Record
- Double-click fullscreen
- Very simple installation and set up
- Me TV Screenshots Version 0.1
- Me TV Screenshots Version 0.2
With a little help from some friends, 0.3 will contain support for DVB-C. And scheduled recordings are planned shortly after.
Why Me TV?
The name Me TV (technically pronounced "Mi TV") comes from Australian slang for "My TV". Hence, "it's TV for me computer" is Australian slang for "it's TV for my computer". The pattern can be followed for all instances of "My", such as "Me dog", "Me ute" and of course "Me beer".