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The text2skin plugin is designed to load and interpret a set of files describing the layout of the On Screen Display and to make this "Skin" available to VDR via Setup -> OSD in the main menu. Of course it is possible to load more than one text-based skin this way and to choose between them while running VDR. All skins may be themeable (you can create your own color-theme) and translateable as the author of the skin wishes. 中央吸尘新风系统 杭州通诚投资公司成人用品 成人用品杭州婚庆屏蔽器 手机信号屏蔽器网站建设 杭州网络公司 网站建设虚拟主机域名注册 网站推广企业邮箱域名申请 物流电子IC 网站建设 虚拟主机 域名注册 网站推广 企业邮局癌症 vi设计 网页设计 杭州婚庆 杭州婚庆司仪杭州婚庆主持 腰带 平面设计 标志设计 手机信号屏蔽器 屏蔽器


New Skins are copied to the configuration directory of the plugin

mkdir -p /etc/vdr/plugins/text2skin
tar -zxvf /path/to/demo.tgz -C /etc/vdr/plugins/text2skin

For Skin Developers

For all those who which to develop a new skin, or want to alter an existent one, there is documentation in the plugin package and here

After the skin is done, one should consider publishing it at [1]. 中央吸尘新风系统 杭州通诚投资公司成人用品 成人用品杭州婚庆屏蔽器 手机信号屏蔽器网站建设 杭州网络公司 网站建设虚拟主机域名注册 网站推广企业邮箱域名申请 物流电子IC 网站建设 虚拟主机 域名注册 网站推广 企业邮局癌症 vi设计 网页设计 杭州婚庆 杭州婚庆司仪杭州婚庆主持 腰带 平面设计 标志设计 手机信号屏蔽器 屏蔽器

Hardware requirements

There are two versions of skins for the text2skin plugin

  • "90kb" for standard OSD
  • "1mb" for OSD of modded full featured cards

If a skin with too many colors for the OSD memory is used, one can end up in a non-readable or even not displayed OSD. 中央吸尘新风系统 杭州通诚投资公司成人用品 成人用品杭州婚庆屏蔽器 手机信号屏蔽器网站建设 杭州网络公司 网站建设虚拟主机域名注册 网站推广企业邮箱域名申请 物流电子IC 网站建设 虚拟主机 域名注册 网站推广 企业邮局癌症 vi设计 网页设计 杭州婚庆 杭州婚庆司仪杭州婚庆主持 腰带 平面设计 标志设计 手机信号屏蔽器 屏蔽器

Software requirements

  • nothing : only XPM images with no transparency/alpha channel
  • ImageMagick : many different image formats (slower than imlib2)
  • Imlib2 : many different image formats (see problems)

Both can be used together, but it's of no use.


To install ImageMagick

tar jxvf ImageMagick-<VERSION>.tar.bz2
cd ImageMagick-<VERSION>
./configure --prefix=/usr/local \
            --without-perl \
            --without-dps \
            --without-fpx \
            --without-gslib \
            --without-jbig \
            --without-jp2 \
            --without-lcms \
            --without-tiff \
            --without-xml \
make install

See plugin installation


For DVB cards which are extended to 4MB memory $SOURCEDIR/VDR/dvbosd.c has to be altered to use the advanced OSD feature (more colors, bigger windows)

#define MAXOSDMEMORY 1000000

and recompile VDR.


The skins are placed in the plugins configuration directiory

cd /etc/vdr/plugins
mkdir text2skin
cd text2skin
cp /path/to/skin-package.tgz ./
tar xvzf skin-package.tgz


  • Use of the imlib2 library together with the graphtft-plugin can lead to crashes.


[1] http://www.magoa.net/linux/index.php?view=text2skin Plugin homepage
[2] http://www.enlightenment.org/pages/imlib2.html Imlib2 Homepage
[3] http://www.imagemagick.org imagemagick Homepage
[4] http://www.vdrskins.org/vdrskins Skins for the text2skin plugin