The second try of DaLiBoxSW3000MC (rev. 02) is (the first was to buggy) ready for Downloading. I described a lot in the start article on the homepage But only in german. (With Antialiasing and TrueType). Ther is nothing ro do. Only run the installerprogramm. If you have any problem, use the support ->
Hi Daliman,
The second try of DaLiBoxSW3000MC (rev. 02) is (the first was to buggy) ready for Downloading. I described a lot in the start article on the homepage But only in german. (With Antialiasing and TrueType). Ther is nothing ro do. Only run the installerprogramm. If you have any problem, use the support ->
Which part of your software is patented ( patentiert ), as you have written on your mainpage ?
Also I think the reason's for banning you from VDR-Portal are wellchoosen, if thats your opinion:
Wenn Sie lustige Kommentare zu nicht ganz ernst gemeinten Themen, von obskuren Teilnehmern und pubertierenden oder nachpubertierenden Moderatoren rund um den VDR interessieren, dann sind Sie hier an der richtigen Adresse.
Helmut Auer schrieb:
Also I think the reason's for banning you from VDR-Portal are wellchoosen, if thats your opinion:
Wenn Sie lustige Kommentare zu nicht ganz ernst gemeinten Themen, von obskuren Teilnehmern und pubertierenden oder nachpubertierenden Moderatoren rund um den VDR interessieren, dann sind Sie hier an der richtigen Adresse.
Yep, there is also a pretty funny Suse-bashing on his homepage... :-)
----------------------------------------- Schiebung! Montag, 26 Juni 2006 Leider müssen wir Sie etwa länger als erwartet auf das Multimediacenter warten lassen. Voraussichtlich verschiebt sich der Zeitpunkt um ein weiteres Vierteljahr. Es gibt einige Gründe dafür, zum Beispiel ist SuSE eine der besten Linuxdistributionen wenn Sie sich mit Officeanwendungen und den gängigsten Anwendungen zufrieden geben, jedoch ist es in Multimediahinsicht etwas was wir als Schrott bezeichnen. Einige Softwarepakete die es für diese Distribution bereits auf DVD gibt, sind für uns nicht von Nutzen und müssen ersetzt werden. Hört sich simpel an, is es aber nicht. Erschwerend kommt noch hinzu daß die Sommermonate uns kaum Zeit übrig lassen überhaupt etwas zu machen. Auch die Tatsache daß es an allen Baggerseen etc. an Internetanschluß und Stromnetzen mangelt ist auch nicht förderlich für die Sache. [...] --------------------------------------------
regards Alfred
Hi, thanks for your feedbach. I'm very happy, but i don´t undestand your question? Can you decribe it precisly? DaLiMan
Am Samstag, 5. August 2006 11:07 schrieb Alfred Zastrow:
Helmut Auer schrieb:
Also I think the reason's for banning you from VDR-Portal are
wellchoosen, if thats your opinion: d=15&id=13
Wenn Sie lustige Kommentare zu nicht ganz ernst gemeinten Themen, von obskuren Teilnehmern und pubertierenden oder nachpubertierenden Moderatoren rund um den VDR interessieren, dann sind Sie hier an der richtigen Adresse.
Yep, there is also a pretty funny Suse-bashing on his homepage... :-)
Schiebung! Montag, 26 Juni 2006 Leider müssen wir Sie etwa länger als erwartet auf das Multimediacenter warten lassen. Voraussichtlich verschiebt sich der Zeitpunkt um ein weiteres Vierteljahr. Es gibt einige Gründe dafür, zum Beispiel ist SuSE eine der besten Linuxdistributionen wenn Sie sich mit Officeanwendungen und den gängigsten Anwendungen zufrieden geben, jedoch ist es in Multimediahinsicht etwas was wir als Schrott bezeichnen. Einige Softwarepakete die es für diese Distribution bereits auf DVD gibt, sind für uns nicht von Nutzen und müssen ersetzt werden. Hört sich simpel an, is es aber nicht. Erschwerend kommt noch hinzu daß die Sommermonate uns kaum Zeit übrig lassen überhaupt etwas zu machen. Auch die Tatsache daß es an allen Baggerseen etc. an Internetanschluß und Stromnetzen mangelt ist auch nicht förderlich für die Sache. [...]
regards Alfred
vdr mailing list
Hi, the number of the patant is shown in the installer. Please tell your question to the patentamt. Greet, DaLiMan
Am Samstag, 5. August 2006 10:10 schrieb Helmut Auer:
Hi Daliman,
The second try of DaLiBoxSW3000MC (rev. 02) is (the first was to buggy) ready for Downloading. I described a lot in the start article on the homepage But only in german. (With Antialiasing and TrueType). Ther is nothing ro do. Only run the installerprogramm. If you have any problem, use the support ->
Which part of your software is patented ( patentiert ), as you have written on your mainpage ?
Also I think the reason's for banning you from VDR-Portal are
wellchoosen, if thats your opinion: =15&id=13
Wenn Sie lustige Kommentare zu nicht ganz ernst gemeinten Themen, von obskuren Teilnehmern und pubertierenden oder nachpubertierenden Moderatoren rund um den VDR interessieren, dann sind Sie hier an der richtigen Adresse.
daliman wrote:
Hi, the number of the patant is shown in the installer. Please tell your question to the patentamt. Greet, DaLiMan
Any chance you might tell us that patent number without the need for installing your program?
I'd really like to know what this software-patent is about...
Am Samstag, 5. August 2006 10:10 schrieb Helmut Auer:
Hi Daliman,
The second try of DaLiBoxSW3000MC (rev. 02) is (the first was to buggy) ready for Downloading. I described a lot in the start article ...
On Sun, 06 Aug 2006 10:58:17 +0200 Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
daliman wrote:
Hi, the number of the patant is shown in the installer. Please tell your question to the patentamt. Greet, DaLiMan
Any chance you might tell us that patent number without the need for installing your program?
I'd really like to know what this software-patent is about...
Me too. The number is -- according to the installer -- »105-6ld0606.HG-j.187«. But this doesn't help (me?) much... I did not yet find out about which patent office's numbering scheme looks like this. And it is supposedly a software patent.
I can answer to this question, but not in a public maillist an to a anonym person. you can send me a letter (bundespost) and then i tell you the next step(s). I can only say: it is not a kind of software, sondern the procedure. The software is freeware. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 10:58 AM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
daliman wrote:
Hi, the number of the patant is shown in the installer. Please tell your question to the patentamt. Greet, DaLiMan
Any chance you might tell us that patent number without the need for installing your program?
I'd really like to know what this software-patent is about...
Am Samstag, 5. August 2006 10:10 schrieb Helmut Auer:
Hi Daliman,
The second try of DaLiBoxSW3000MC (rev. 02) is (the first was to buggy) ready for Downloading. I described a lot in the start article ...
vdr mailing list wrote:
I can answer to this question, but not in a public maillist an to a anonym person.
Now which email address is more "anonym", or I guess quite a few people here on this ML know who I am - but who exactly are YOU?
you can send me a letter (bundespost) and then i tell you the next step(s).
Well, we already know the patent number (105-6ld0606.HG-j.187), so maybe you could just let us know which patent office this is registered with?
I can only say: it is not a kind of software, sondern the procedure.
This is rubbish! A "procedure" is the same as "software". It describes a method of how to do something. Since apparently all you distribute is software, anything "patented" in there must be software.
Or does your patent refer to some hardware you might be selling?
Why are you making such a secret about your patent?
The software is freeware. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 10:58 AM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
daliman wrote:
Hi, the number of the patant is shown in the installer. Please tell your question to the patentamt. Greet, DaLiMan
Any chance you might tell us that patent number without the need for installing your program?
I'd really like to know what this software-patent is about...
Am Samstag, 5. August 2006 10:10 schrieb Helmut Auer:
Hi Daliman,
The second try of DaLiBoxSW3000MC (rev. 02) is (the first was to buggy) ready for Downloading. I described a lot in the start article ...
Klaus Schmidinger wrote: wrote:
I can answer to this question, but not in a public maillist an to a anonym person.
Now which email address is more "anonym", or I guess quite a few people here on this ML know who I am - but who exactly are YOU?
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. On the page mentioned above there is a link to "Lieferanteninformation" (eng.: "vendor information"), but all I can find there is
DaLiBox Shop
Name: GrandMaster DaLiMan Telefon: Fax: Email:
This definitely doesn't qualify as what's called an "Impressum", and which is required by law in Germany. You better fill out this page with your real name, address and phone number - before one of your competitors sends you a "reminder" (in German: "Abmahnung").
So much for "anonymous"...
Every eMailadress ist anonym. The domain and are registred with my full adress and are in a public database. You can look at the homepage too. Papst Benedikt the XXX as DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 7:14 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Klaus Schmidinger wrote: wrote:
I can answer to this question, but not in a public maillist an to a anonym person.
Now which email address is more "anonym", or I guess quite a few people here on this ML know who I am - but who exactly are YOU?
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. On the page mentioned above there is a link to "Lieferanteninformation" (eng.: "vendor information"), but all I can find there is
DaLiBox Shop
Name: GrandMaster DaLiMan Telefon: Fax: Email:
This definitely doesn't qualify as what's called an "Impressum", and which is required by law in Germany. You better fill out this page with your real name, address and phone number - before one of your competitors sends you a "reminder" (in German: "Abmahnung").
So much for "anonymous"...
vdr mailing list wrote:
Every eMailadress ist anonym.
Well, at least mine contains my real name ;-)
The domain and are registred with my full adress and are in a public database.
Ok, Mr. Lipowicz, but that doesn't make up for the missing "Impressum".
You can look at the homepage too.
I tried to find out who is behind, but was unable to find an "Impressum". Can you give me a URL that contains the information required for commercial web sites?
Papst Benedikt the XXX as DaLiMan
AFAIK it's Pope Benedict XVI (the "16th", not the "30th"). But since you apparently don't know who you are yourself, I guess I'll end this pointless thread here.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 7:14 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Klaus Schmidinger wrote: wrote:
I can answer to this question, but not in a public maillist an to a anonym person.
Now which email address is more "anonym", or I guess quite a few people here on this ML know who I am - but who exactly are YOU?
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. On the page mentioned above there is a link to "Lieferanteninformation" (eng.: "vendor information"), but all I can find there is
DaLiBox Shop
Name: GrandMaster DaLiMan Telefon: Fax: Email:
This definitely doesn't qualify as what's called an "Impressum", and which is required by law in Germany. You better fill out this page with your real name, address and phone number - before one of your competitors sends you a "reminder" (in German: "Abmahnung").
So much for "anonymous"...
OK Sir, i make a point. . PS: In germany a inpressum is only needed by a commercial (eshop) website. Please use Tahn you. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:18 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter wrote:
Every eMailadress ist anonym.
Well, at least mine contains my real name ;-)
The domain and are registred with my full adress and are in a public database.
Ok, Mr. Lipowicz, but that doesn't make up for the missing "Impressum".
You can look at the homepage too.
I tried to find out who is behind, but was unable to find an "Impressum". Can you give me a URL that contains the information required for commercial web sites?
Papst Benedikt the XXX as DaLiMan
AFAIK it's Pope Benedict XVI (the "16th", not the "30th"). But since you apparently don't know who you are yourself, I guess I'll end this pointless thread here.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 7:14 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Klaus Schmidinger wrote: wrote:
I can answer to this question, but not in a public maillist an to a anonym person.
Now which email address is more "anonym", or I guess quite a few people here on this ML know who I am - but who exactly are YOU?
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. On the page mentioned above there is a link to "Lieferanteninformation" (eng.: "vendor information"), but all I can find there is
DaLiBox Shop
Name: GrandMaster DaLiMan Telefon: Fax: Email:
This definitely doesn't qualify as what's called an "Impressum", and which is required by law in Germany. You better fill out this page with your real name, address and phone number - before one of your competitors sends you a "reminder" (in German: "Abmahnung").
So much for "anonymous"...
vdr mailing list
I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written...
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. [...]
"whois" appears to provide that information.
Darren Salt wrote:
I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written...
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. [...]
"whois" appears to provide that information.
Yes, but at least in Germany a commercial web site must itself contain a section that identifies exactly who is behind it, and a link to that section must be prominently placed and available from every page of the site.
I didn't make this up myself - it's the law. I just wanted to inform him about that, in case he didn't know. These "reminders" can be very nasty and expensive.
It's especially strange since he won't provide information about his alleged patent to an "anonymous poster" (meaning myself), but does himself hide behind a veil of obscurity...
I'm beginning to doubt that any such patent does in fact exist...
Yes, that is right, but i don´t sell something. The DaLiBoxExtrem is only a fake. I wait for the PS3. Maybe that is the right stuff. Then you can find a impressum with all that you need. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:44 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Darren Salt wrote:
I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written...
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. [...]
"whois" appears to provide that information.
Yes, but at least in Germany a commercial web site must itself contain a section that identifies exactly who is behind it, and a link to that section must be prominently placed and available from every page of the site.
I didn't make this up myself - it's the law. I just wanted to inform him about that, in case he didn't know. These "reminders" can be very nasty and expensive.
It's especially strange since he won't provide information about his alleged patent to an "anonymous poster" (meaning myself), but does himself hide behind a veil of obscurity...
I'm beginning to doubt that any such patent does in fact exist...
vdr mailing list wrote:
Yes, that is right, but i don´t sell something. The DaLiBoxExtrem is only a fake.
Ah - well, in that case I guess it's fair to assume that your "patent" is a fake as well.
IANAL, but I strongly suggest you either remove your eShop from your web site, or clearly mark it as being a fake! Lawyers can be very nasty, and they might get you for
- not having a proper "Impressum" - offering a product of which you definitely know that you can not deliver it - might be considered attempted fraud ("versuchter Betrug") - not properly listing the VAT ("Mehrwertsteuer" - in the ordering dialog this lists as 0,00 Euro) - might be considered tax evasion ("Steuerhinterziehung")
But then again, why do I even care what hapens to you...
I wait for the PS3. Maybe that is the right stuff. Then you can find a impressum with all that you need. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:44 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Darren Salt wrote:
I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written...
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. [...]
"whois" appears to provide that information.
Yes, but at least in Germany a commercial web site must itself contain a section that identifies exactly who is behind it, and a link to that section must be prominently placed and available from every page of the site.
I didn't make this up myself - it's the law. I just wanted to inform him about that, in case he didn't know. These "reminders" can be very nasty and expensive.
It's especially strange since he won't provide information about his alleged patent to an "anonymous poster" (meaning myself), but does himself hide behind a veil of obscurity...
I'm beginning to doubt that any such patent does in fact exist...
On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 12:41:56PM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
But then again, why do I even care what hapens to you...
Just because you are a good man :-)
So I take the chance here to thank you (and all other who works for DVB) for all you do !!!
Yep. Maybe you are right. But you can simply test ist ... DaLiMan
Am Montag, 7. August 2006 12:41 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger: wrote:
Yes, that is right, but i don´t sell something. The DaLiBoxExtrem is only a fake.
Ah - well, in that case I guess it's fair to assume that your "patent" is a fake as well.
IANAL, but I strongly suggest you either remove your eShop from your web site, or clearly mark it as being a fake! Lawyers can be very nasty, and they might get you for
- not having a proper "Impressum"
- offering a product of which you definitely know that you can not deliver it - might be considered attempted fraud ("versuchter Betrug")
- not properly listing the VAT ("Mehrwertsteuer" - in the ordering dialog this lists as 0,00 Euro) - might be considered tax evasion ("Steuerhinterziehung")
But then again, why do I even care what hapens to you...
I wait for the PS3. Maybe that is the right stuff. Then you can find a impressum with all that you need. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:44 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Darren Salt wrote:
I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written...
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on =&product_id=17&category_id=2&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=28
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. [...]
"whois" appears to provide that information.
Yes, but at least in Germany a commercial web site must itself contain a section that identifies exactly who is behind it, and a link to that section must be prominently placed and available from every page of the site.
I didn't make this up myself - it's the law. I just wanted to inform him about that, in case he didn't know. These "reminders" can be very nasty and expensive.
It's especially strange since he won't provide information about his alleged patent to an "anonymous poster" (meaning myself), but does himself hide behind a veil of obscurity...
I'm beginning to doubt that any such patent does in fact exist...
vdr mailing list
daliman wrote:
Yep. Maybe you are right. But you can simply test ist ... DaLiMan
I assume you are referring to my statement about your patent being a fake. Well actually I didn't want to reply to any of your messages any more, because apparently any conversation with you is completely pointless and an utter waste of time.
But here's one last try: *how* do you suggest I can "simply test" that?
Am Montag, 7. August 2006 12:41 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger: wrote:
Yes, that is right, but i don´t sell something. The DaLiBoxExtrem is only a fake.
Ah - well, in that case I guess it's fair to assume that your "patent" is a fake as well.
IANAL, but I strongly suggest you either remove your eShop from your web site, or clearly mark it as being a fake! Lawyers can be very nasty, and they might get you for
- not having a proper "Impressum"
- offering a product of which you definitely know that you can not deliver it - might be considered attempted fraud ("versuchter Betrug")
- not properly listing the VAT ("Mehrwertsteuer" - in the ordering dialog this lists as 0,00 Euro) - might be considered tax evasion ("Steuerhinterziehung")
But then again, why do I even care what hapens to you...
I wait for the PS3. Maybe that is the right stuff. Then you can find a impressum with all that you need. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:44 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Darren Salt wrote:
I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written...
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on =&product_id=17&category_id=2&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=28
However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. [...]
"whois" appears to provide that information.
Yes, but at least in Germany a commercial web site must itself contain a section that identifies exactly who is behind it, and a link to that section must be prominently placed and available from every page of the site.
I didn't make this up myself - it's the law. I just wanted to inform him about that, in case he didn't know. These "reminders" can be very nasty and expensive.
It's especially strange since he won't provide information about his alleged patent to an "anonymous poster" (meaning myself), but does himself hide behind a veil of obscurity...
I'm beginning to doubt that any such patent does in fact exist...
Hallo Klaus,
nur zu Deiner Info, ich weiß nicht, wie oft dali alias fluffy01 alias ... schon auf vdr-portal gebannt worden ist. Und nach den letzten Hinweisen auf sein falsches Impressum hat er es wohl gleich ganz entfernt ...
Aber kannst ihn ja mal anrufen, er steht im Telefonbuch :)
Schöne Grüße und Danke für die tolle Software!
On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 10:38:18PM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
daliman wrote:
Yep. Maybe you are right. But you can simply test ist ... DaLiMan
I assume you are referring to my statement about your patent being a fake. Well actually I didn't want to reply to any of your messages any more, because apparently any conversation with you is completely pointless and an utter waste of time.
But here's one last try: *how* do you suggest I can "simply test" that?
Am Montag, 7. August 2006 12:41 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger: wrote:
Yes, that is right, but i don´t sell something. The DaLiBoxExtrem is only a fake.
Ah - well, in that case I guess it's fair to assume that your "patent" is a fake as well.
IANAL, but I strongly suggest you either remove your eShop from your web site, or clearly mark it as being a fake! Lawyers can be very nasty, and they might get you for
- not having a proper "Impressum"
- offering a product of which you definitely know that you can
not deliver it - might be considered attempted fraud ("versuchter Betrug")
- not properly listing the VAT ("Mehrwertsteuer" - in the ordering
dialog this lists as 0,00 Euro) - might be considered tax evasion ("Steuerhinterziehung")
But then again, why do I even care what hapens to you...
I wait for the PS3. Maybe that is the right stuff. Then you can find a impressum with all that you need. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:44 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Darren Salt wrote:
I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written...
>Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web >site >at, as can be seen on > > >=&product_id=17&category_id=2&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=28 > > >However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who >is actually running this web site. [...] "whois" appears to provide that information.
Yes, but at least in Germany a commercial web site must itself contain a section that identifies exactly who is behind it, and a link to that section must be prominently placed and available from every page of the site.
I didn't make this up myself - it's the law. I just wanted to inform him about that, in case he didn't know. These "reminders" can be very nasty and expensive.
It's especially strange since he won't provide information about his alleged patent to an "anonymous poster" (meaning myself), but does himself hide behind a veil of obscurity...
I'm beginning to doubt that any such patent does in fact exist...
vdr mailing list
Diese Maillist ist kein Kummerkasten, sondern ein Board auf dem sich Entwickler, Helfer und Helfershelfer austoben.
Zweitens. Ich war vor langer Zeit als daliman auf dem vdr-portal angemeldet und sonst nichts. Ich weis nicht auf was für einem Wissen diese Behauptung basiert. Auf jeden Fall werde ich eine Verleumdungsklage einreichen wenn so ein Mist hier nochmal veröfffentlicht wird.
Am Montag, 7. August 2006 23:50 schrieb Jochen Heuer:
Hallo Klaus,
nur zu Deiner Info, ich weiß nicht, wie oft dali alias fluffy01 alias ... schon auf vdr-portal gebannt worden ist. Und nach den letzten Hinweisen auf sein falsches Impressum hat er es wohl gleich ganz entfernt ...
Aber kannst ihn ja mal anrufen, er steht im Telefonbuch :)
Schöne Grüße und Danke für die tolle Software!
On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 10:38:18PM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
daliman wrote:
Yep. Maybe you are right. But you can simply test ist ... DaLiMan
I assume you are referring to my statement about your patent being a fake. Well actually I didn't want to reply to any of your messages any more, because apparently any conversation with you is completely pointless and an utter waste of time.
But here's one last try: *how* do you suggest I can "simply test" that?
Am Montag, 7. August 2006 12:41 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger: wrote:
Yes, that is right, but i don´t sell something. The DaLiBoxExtrem is only a fake.
Ah - well, in that case I guess it's fair to assume that your "patent" is a fake as well.
IANAL, but I strongly suggest you either remove your eShop from your web site, or clearly mark it as being a fake! Lawyers can be very nasty, and they might get you for
- not having a proper "Impressum"
- offering a product of which you definitely know that you can
not deliver it - might be considered attempted fraud ("versuchter Betrug")
- not properly listing the VAT ("Mehrwertsteuer" - in the ordering
dialog this lists as 0,00 Euro) - might be considered tax evasion ("Steuerhinterziehung")
But then again, why do I even care what hapens to you...
I wait for the PS3. Maybe that is the right stuff. Then you can find a impressum with all that you need. DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Klaus Schmidinger" To: Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:44 PM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Darren Salt wrote: >I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written... > >[snip] > >>Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your >> web site >>at, as can be seen on >> >> >>age =&product_id=17&category_id=2&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=28 >> >> >>However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding >> who is actually running this web site. [...] > >"whois" appears to provide that information.
Yes, but at least in Germany a commercial web site must itself contain a section that identifies exactly who is behind it, and a link to that section must be prominently placed and available from every page of the site.
I didn't make this up myself - it's the law. I just wanted to inform him about that, in case he didn't know. These "reminders" can be very nasty and expensive.
It's especially strange since he won't provide information about his alleged patent to an "anonymous poster" (meaning myself), but does himself hide behind a veil of obscurity...
I'm beginning to doubt that any such patent does in fact exist...
vdr mailing list
vdr mailing list
Auf vielfachen Wunsch habe ich der Site ein korrektes Impressum zugefügt. Ich hoffe du bist zufrieden. Gruß, DaLiMan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Roland Behme" To: "VDR Mailing List" Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 11:21 AM Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] DaLiBoxSW3000MediaCenter
Auf jeden Fall werde ich eine Verleumdungsklage einreichen wenn so ein Mist hier nochmal veröfffentlicht wird.
Geh weg.
vdr mailing list
On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 11:36:47AM +0200, wrote:
Auf vielfachen Wunsch habe ich der Site ein korrektes Impressum zugefügt. Ich hoffe du bist zufrieden.
Hmm ...
* Siteführer: Dagobert Duck * Position: High Commander * Straße: Entengasse 13 * Ort: 12345 Entenhausen
Bitte wenden Sie sich bei eventuellen Problemen an die angegebene Adresse. Ihre Anfrage geht dann bei uns ein und wird prompt erledigt.
Alternativ können Sie an den Weihnachtsmann oder Osterhasen schreiben, diese leiten dann Ihre Anfrage umgehend an mich weiter da wir in engen Geschäftsbeziehungen stehen.
[ Zurück ]
... finde ich als Impressum etwas merkwuerdig. Nunja, ich bin kein Anwalt und hoffe, dass Deine Seite keinem Anwalt, der mit Abmahnungen sein Geld verdient, ins Visier geraet.
Dr. Werner Fink schrieb:
On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 11:36:47AM +0200, wrote:
Auf vielfachen Wunsch habe ich der Site ein korrektes Impressum zugefügt. Ich hoffe du bist zufrieden.
Hmm ...
* Siteführer: Dagobert Duck * Position: High Commander * Straße: Entengasse 13 * Ort: 12345 Entenhausen
Bitte wenden Sie sich bei eventuellen Problemen an die angegebene Adresse. Ihre Anfrage geht dann bei uns ein und wird prompt erledigt.
Alternativ können Sie an den Weihnachtsmann oder Osterhasen schreiben, diese leiten dann Ihre Anfrage umgehend an mich weiter da wir in engen Geschäftsbeziehungen stehen.
[ Zurück ]
... finde ich als Impressum etwas merkwuerdig. Nunja, ich bin kein Anwalt und hoffe, dass Deine Seite keinem Anwalt, der mit Abmahnungen sein Geld verdient, ins Visier geraet.
zumindest weiss ein anwalt, der sich mit sowas beschäftigt, wie man eine whois-anfrage durchführt... man könnte also auch sofort den richtigen namen schreiben, oder dariusz ?
anonym ;)
Ich möchte diese Mailingliste nicht mehr zumüllen, deswegen hast Du hoffentlich Verständniß daß ich dem hier ein Ende mache. DaLiMan PS: Du verdienst eine Auszeichnung daß Du mit einem Browser umgehen kannst und meinen Namen gefunden hast. Respekt!
Am Dienstag, 8. August 2006 13:28 schrieb Dr. Werner Fink:
On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 11:36:47AM +0200, wrote:
Auf vielfachen Wunsch habe ich der Site ein korrektes Impressum zugefügt. Ich hoffe du bist zufrieden.
Hmm ...
* Siteführer: Dagobert Duck * Position: High Commander * Straße: Entengasse 13 * Ort: 12345 Entenhausen
Bitte wenden Sie sich bei eventuellen Problemen an die angegebene Adresse. Ihre Anfrage geht dann bei uns ein und wird prompt erledigt.
Alternativ können Sie an den Weihnachtsmann oder Osterhasen schreiben, diese leiten dann Ihre Anfrage umgehend an mich weiter da wir in engen Geschäftsbeziehungen stehen.
[ Zurück ]
... finde ich als Impressum etwas merkwuerdig. Nunja, ich bin kein Anwalt und hoffe, dass Deine Seite keinem Anwalt, der mit Abmahnungen sein Geld verdient, ins Visier geraet.
daliman schrieb:
Ich möchte diese Mailingliste nicht mehr zumüllen, deswegen hast Du hoffentlich Verständniß daß ich dem hier ein Ende mache. DaLiMan PS: Du verdienst eine Auszeichnung daß Du mit einem Browser umgehen kannst und meinen Namen gefunden hast. Respekt!
I think that this issue can easily be resolved. As the VDR community is growing more and more I am sure that there is someone living near to Glauburg who could visit Dariusz Lipowicz and clear this situation directly. As he is not living in a high rise but in a single occupancy house or a semi detached house it will not be difficult to get in contact with him if you are in the Weinstrasse of Glauburg.
With kind regards
I wait hopefully for you DaLiMan
Am Dienstag, 8. August 2006 15:32 schrieb Joerg Knitter:
daliman schrieb:
Ich möchte diese Mailingliste nicht mehr zumüllen, deswegen hast Du hoffentlich Verständniß daß ich dem hier ein Ende mache. DaLiMan PS: Du verdienst eine Auszeichnung daß Du mit einem Browser umgehen kannst und meinen Namen gefunden hast. Respekt!
I think that this issue can easily be resolved. As the VDR community is growing more and more I am sure that there is someone living near to Glauburg who could visit Dariusz Lipowicz and clear this situation directly. As he is not living in a high rise but in a single occupancy house or a semi detached house it will not be difficult to get in contact with him if you are in the Weinstrasse of Glauburg.
With kind regards
vdr mailing list
Am 06.08.2006 um 20:44 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
Darren Salt wrote:
I demand that Klaus Schmidinger may or may not have written... [snip]
Oh, while we're at it: you're apparently selling stuff over your web site at, as can be seen on page=shop.product_details&flypage=&product_id=17&category_id=2&optio n=com_virtuemart&Itemid=28 However, I can't seem to find any detailed information regarding who is actually running this web site. [...]
"whois" appears to provide that information.
Yes, but at least in Germany a commercial web site must itself contain a section that identifies exactly who is behind it, and a link to that section must be prominently placed and available from every page of the site.
I didn't make this up myself - it's the law. I just wanted to inform him about that, in case he didn't know. These "reminders" can be very nasty and expensive.
It's especially strange since he won't provide information about his alleged patent to an "anonymous poster" (meaning myself), but does himself hide behind a veil of obscurity...
I'm beginning to doubt that any such patent does in fact exist...
Actually, according to german laws and court decisions there is no "private" website. Whenever you put something up on a domain you own you are offering communication services according to a court decision, so even when you only post your holiday photos you are obliged to have a complete imprint.
with kind regards
Peter Marquardt