I'd like to experiment with DAB+ as there are now some broadcasts in my country.
Are there any DAB+ receivers known to work under Linux? Does VDR (or other tools) support it? There is little information that can be found on this topic with Google...
Thanks, -- Luboš Doležel
Am Montag, den 18.07.2011, 14:49 +0200 schrieb Luboš Doležel lubos@dolezel.info:
I'd like to experiment with DAB+ as there are now some broadcasts in my country.
Are there any DAB+ receivers known to work under Linux? Does VDR (or other tools) support it? There is little information that can be found on this topic with Google...
even if a product exists, there remains the question regarding a driver...
A recent article in German c't magazin says that Terratec could potentially be a manufacturer to come up with a DVB+ Stick at IFA Berlin (September 2011).
c't magazin 12/2011, Seite 80 "Der UKW-Nachfolger DAB+ in den Startlöchern"
"Die digitale Ausstrahlung ist die ideale Voraussetzung für den verlustfreien Mitschnitt am Rech- ner, doch PC-Lösungen sucht man noch vergeblich. Terratecs DAB/DVB-T-Stick Piranha oder der DR 403 von Albrecht sind nur noch als Restposten zu haben und von Haus aus nur für den Empfang des alten DAB-Stan- dards ausgelegt. Letzterer Her- steller hat angekündigt, zur IFA mit einer Neuauflage des Sticks an den Markt zu gegen. Bei Terra- tec wartet man noch ab: ,,Wir be- obachten den Markt genau und könnten - bei einem Erfolg der DAB+-Einführung - kurzfristig Hardware für den PC-Empfang bereitstellen", so ein Unterneh- menssprecher gegenüber c't."
Cheers, hepi
2011/7/18 Henning Pingel henning@henningpingel.de:
Am Montag, den 18.07.2011, 14:49 +0200 schrieb Luboš Doležel lubos@dolezel.info:
I'd like to experiment with DAB+ as there are now some broadcasts in my country.
Are there any DAB+ receivers known to work under Linux? Does VDR (or other tools) support it? There is little information that can be found on this topic with Google...
even if a product exists, there remains the question regarding a driver...
The Psion Wavefinder [1] (old USB product from circa 2001) works with Linux using OpenDAB [2]. The Changelog for the most recent version of this suggests DAB+ support has been implemented.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psion_Wavefinder [2] http://ignum.dl.sourceforge.net/project/opendab/opendab/OpenDAB-0.06/
On 18.7.2011 15:14, Dominic Evans wrote:
2011/7/18 Henning Pingelhenning@henningpingel.de:
Am Montag, den 18.07.2011, 14:49 +0200 schrieb Luboš Doležel lubos@dolezel.info:
I'd like to experiment with DAB+ as there are now some broadcasts in my country.
Are there any DAB+ receivers known to work under Linux? Does VDR (or other tools) support it? There is little information that can be found on this topic with Google...
even if a product exists, there remains the question regarding a driver...
The Psion Wavefinder [1] (old USB product from circa 2001) works with Linux using OpenDAB [2]. The Changelog for the most recent version of this suggests DAB+ support has been implemented.
[1]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psion_Wavefinder [2]http://ignum.dl.sourceforge.net/project/opendab/opendab/OpenDAB-0.06/
I did some further googling and found this:
Beside the VHF band it also supports L-band, which is used in the Czech Republic (and Italy). That is good.
They claim to support Linux, but I would first check with them to make sure it applies to the DAB+ feature as well.
But I still haven't found any console scanning tools. OpenDAB appears to be a one-off solution for a single piece of hardware...