Inspired by the channel sorting thread, I'm wondering if there's any way to have vdr sort recordings by date rather than name? I would think that would be a more obvious default, but even if not, I would like to use it :)
Hi Chris,
if you use my ExtRecMenu-Plugin (http://martins-kabuff.de/extrecmenu_en.html), you are able to change the type of sorting (by name or by date) for each directory individually.
Greets, Martin
Martin Prochnow wrote:
if you use my ExtRecMenu-Plugin (http://martins-kabuff.de/extrecmenu_en.html), you are able to change the type of sorting (by name or by date) for each directory individually.
I tried v0.12a with my streamdev vdr client, and channel sorting looks now sane for the NFS mounted recording subdirectory but there is a problem with the recording menu that pops up annoyingly after end of recording playback and sometimes in channel switching. Is that a bug or an intentional feature?
BR, Seppo
Inspired by the channel sorting thread, I'm wondering if there's any way to have vdr sort recordings by date rather than name?
A very small patch instead of a plugin is at http://www.u32.de/vdr-1.3.37-simple_record_sort-0.1.diff
Just press 0 (zero) in the recording list and the sorting toggles between date and name. The sorting is not saved.
The patch is against 1.3.37. But it should work with older and younger versions too.
Gruss, Walter