daliman wrote:
Sorry but it is not possible for me to describe this error in english. Maybe the google-translator work.
Bei Aufzug eines Gewitters empfängt die Satanlage kein Signal mehr, so daß ich nur noch schwarz sehe, jedoch habe ich nach einiger Zeit wieder Empfang. Wenn während dieser Zeit aber eine Aufnahme läuft, dann beendet sich der VDR. (Restart; runvdr).
(translated: With a thunderstorm approaching, the sat receiver receives no signal, so that I see only black, however has I after some time reception is back. If a recording is running during this time, then the VDR is terminated. (Restart; runvdr).
With a proper runvdr script, VDR should restart instantly. VDR detected that there was no data received for the recording, and signals by error level that the runvdr script should reload the DVB drivers and then restart VDR, in hope that the restart of the drivers fixes the reception issue.