Hi, the xineliboutput guys are doing a great job with the plugin and I am almost hapy with it.
I think the better approach was the softdevice plugin which was more easy to install and depends only on libavcodec. The xinelib is a big library and many plugins and other output devices etc are not needed for vdr output's.
Unfortunately softdevice development seems dead so i switched some months ago to xineliboutput.
The problems: - audio dropouts on radiochannels - audiodropouts when changing audio track in vdr - the remote frontend has to be started after vdr and refuses to start when vdr can't be found - sometimes segfaults of sxfe when switching between hd/sd channels - some dropouts after zapping (already mentioned in this thread). ... I know that Petri is working hard to resolve problems in xineliboutput so maybe we need more time to get a stable version of the plugin.
Last weekend i've also tried vdr-xine. Compilation was ok but I wasn't able to run vdr -P xine I don't see any error message vdr starts and exit's. so I can't tell something about it so far.
BTW.: is there no need for softdevice? BR. Halim