Twenty years ago today, I released the first version of the VDR source. A pretty long time, in which much has happened. Back then a VDR was something special, while today it's just an ordinary device. But still it feels good to be able to tweak things yourself.
Lately it's been rather quiet from my side, regarding the VDR development. For one this was because it just works fine in every day life. But I was also busy working on a totally different project. I wanted to add/adjust the GPS coordinates in the many photos that piled up over the years (partly scanned from negatives). Unfortunately there was no application available under Linux that really fit my needs (maybe I just missed that one great program ;-). So I decided to do some development of my own, and today, for the 20th "birthday" of VDR, I'd like to present the result:
This is the very first version to go "out in the wild", so chances are there will still be some quirks. So far I have tested it on Linux (openSUSE Leap 15.0) and Mac OS 10.13. I can't test on Windows, because I don't have such a system.
Maybe it can be of some use to some of you out there, too. Please send problem reports directly to me, so we don't clog this mailing list.