Hello I use VDR a few years, but lately I changed my system into ITX (AMD Brazos) and so changed PCI DVB-S2 card into USB. Additionaly I has bought DVB-T tuner.
The last miss was buying USB DVB-T stick based on Af9015. Generally it works, but only a few minutes. I suspect it overheats...
So I ask: if somebody has one of cards above working, please give me a note with which kernel and with which driver it does work.
Also I wold welcome advice, which from those rather cheap USB cards works without any problems on stock linux kernel.
Hi Marx,
I can't give you any advice on USB hardware for satellite reception, but i do have a working setup for DVB-T. I use the following USB DVB-T receiver: PCTV NanoStick 73e SE (solo) http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Pinnacle_PCTV_nano_Stick_%2873e%29
This receiver works perfectly with the present kernel. (tested with 3.2.8-1-ARCH). Please bear in mind that the supplied antennae for this receiver is not so sensitive. Also, this receiver cannot supply power to a active antennae. Therefore I use a home made power inserter and a 3 way splitter.
See also my notes on the subject on the arch linux wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Digitenne
I hope this helps you.
Best regards, Cedric