Luca Olivetti writes:
El 12/08/15 a les 09:28, jori.hamalainen@teliasonera.com ha escrit:
I abandoned VDR after 11 years of running it for Duo2+OpenVix.
Sorry for the off-topic, but my google-fu is failing: where could I find instructions on how to build openvix from sources? I see they're on github, but they have several repositories and I could not find instructions, and I'd need to modify something in the enigma c++ files to support my positioner (probably I just need to compile the enigma binary, but I'm not sure yet). The various boxes running openvix (and other enigma images) seem to be very cheap and convenient (small size, low power, etc.), if they also have good tuners they could be a good replacement for my ageing vdr computer.
Yes, build instructions are hard to find. After some trial and error I am doing it like this:
git clone https://github.com/oe-alliance/build-enviroment.git cd build-enviroment make MACHINE=vuduo2 DISTRO=openvix DISTRO_TYPE=release make image
You then ("then" meaning after quite some time, depending on what kind of machine you build it) have the ipkgs in builds/openvix/vuduo2/tmp/deploy/ipk, etc.
All necessary packages for building will have to installed. OE should complain about what is missing. I think you also need to use bash as default shell for building.
You will also have to disable opera because you cannot fetch the source package without password (or somebody tell me how to ...). Comment out the lines with opera in: meta-oe-alliance/meta-oe/recipes-oe-alliance/enigma2-plugins/enigma2-oe-alliance-plugins.bb before the final make above.
Regards, Ralph