Patrick Fischer wrote:
Patrick Fischer schrieb:
Hello I want to create a new instant Recording from a Plugin at a specific Channel.
The normal way to create a instant Recording is to call
cRecordControls::Start ();
This will create a Recording of the current Channel.
So if I want to create a recording on an different Channel, I can create a new Timer and give this new Timer to cRecordControls::Start ().
cTimer *timer = new cTimer(true,false); cRecordControls::Start (timer);
But new cTimer(true, false) also use the current Channel.
Is it possible that Klaus change the Constructor from cTimer::cTimer(bool Instant, bool Pause) to cTimer::cTimer(bool Instant, bool Pause, int channel = 0)
And the line 30 in timers.c from channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel()); to channel = Channels.GetByNumber(channel?channel:cDevice::CurrentChannel());
In this case i can create a new recording by cTimer *timer = new cTimer(true,false,MYCHANNEL); cRecordControls::Start (timer);
please!!! :-)
Yours sincerely, Patrick
A improved Version would be this:
cTimer::cTimer(bool Instant, bool Pause,cChannel *Channel=NULL) { ... channel = Channel?Channel:Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
I'll make it that way in VDR 1.3.38.