Bernd Juraschek wrote:
Great software! Many thanks. It seems to work fine, but the "Recording:" list in the main window is empty. Only the next recording is shown as tooltip of the icon. Is that normal or did I made something wrong/found a bug?
May be ... ;-)
Do you had recordings running when you've tried this?
No! :-)
The tooltip shows the currently running recordings and also the next scheduled event(s).
Yes, this works well!
The main window shows only the current running recordings. There is no way to display the details of the next recording(s) at the moment. I should append this to the main window ...
Maybe :-)
Alright, now I have a recording running and it is displayed in the main window. But I think I found a bug now: The recording target is "ww/W.i.t.c.h./W.i.t.c.h." but the main window as well as the tooltip of the icon only displays "ww". The tooltip also displays only the topmost directory of the next upcoming target ("Public Relations/nano"). So I guess there is something wrong with parsing/transmitting/displaying non-toplevel recordings?
Anyway, very, very useful tool!