This is not what I thought I was seeing. I thought it was saying conflicts when 2 shows are back to back on the same channel after I changed them from the sat channel to the local atsc. But this one is saying a conflict for a show that has nothing:
Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: timer 'The Mentalist' (Thu 15.07. 20:59, channel KOLD) failed
That is the only timer set for thu 15th for the whole day and is the last one in the list and I haven't even changed it to the atsc channel yet.
Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check for timer conflicts Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add timer 'Crusoe' (Thu 08.07. 10:59, channel THIS) for conflict check Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add timer 'Scoundrels' (Sun 11.07. 19:59, channel KGUN-DT) for conflict check Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add timer 'The Gates' (Sun 11.07. 20:59, channel KGUN-DT) for conflict check Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add timer 'The Good Guys' (Mon 12.07. 19:59, channel KMSB) for conflict check Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add timer 'Bones' (Fri 09.07. 18:59, channel KMSB) for conflict check Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add timer 'Legend of the Seeker' (Sat 10.07. 15:58, channel KTTU-DT) for conflict check Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add timer 'The Mentalist' (Thu 08.07. 20:59, channel KOLD-DT) for conflict check Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add timer 'The Mentalist' (Thu 15.07. 20:59, channel KOLD) for conflict check Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: create check time list Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: create check time list - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: create conflict list Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 08.07. 10:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: recording timer 'Crusoe' (Thu 08.07. 10:59, channel THIS) at Thu 08.07. 10:59 on device 2 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 08.07. 10:59 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 08.07. 13:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach device 2 from timer 'Crusoe' (Thu 08.07. 10:59, channel THIS) at Thu 08.07. 13:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 08.07. 13:01 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 08.07. 20:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: recording timer 'The Mentalist' (Thu 08.07. 20:59, channel KOLD-DT) at Thu 08.07. 20:59 on device 2 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 08.07. 20:59 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 08.07. 22:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach device 2 from timer 'The Mentalist' (Thu 08.07. 20:59, channel KOLD-DT) at Thu 08.07. 22:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 08.07. 22:01 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Fri 09.07. 18:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: recording timer 'Bones' (Fri 09.07. 18:59, channel KMSB) at Fri 09.07. 18:59 on device 2 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Fri 09.07. 18:59 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Fri 09.07. 20:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach device 2 from timer 'Bones' (Fri 09.07. 18:59, channel KMSB) at Fri 09.07. 20:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Fri 09.07. 20:01 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sat 10.07. 15:58 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: recording timer 'Legend of the Seeker' (Sat 10.07. 15:58, channel KTTU-DT) at Sat 10.07. 15:58 on device 2 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sat 10.07. 15:58 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sat 10.07. 17:02 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach device 2 from timer 'Legend of the Seeker' (Sat 10.07. 15:58, channel KTTU-DT) at Sat 10.07. 17:02 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sat 10.07. 17:02 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sun 11.07. 19:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: recording timer 'Scoundrels' (Sun 11.07. 19:59, channel KGUN-DT) at Sun 11.07. 19:59 on device 2 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sun 11.07. 19:59 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sun 11.07. 20:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: recording timer 'The Gates' (Sun 11.07. 20:59, channel KGUN-DT) at Sun 11.07. 20:59 on device 2 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sun 11.07. 20:59 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sun 11.07. 21:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach device 2 from timer 'Scoundrels' (Sun 11.07. 19:59, channel KGUN-DT) at Sun 11.07. 21:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sun 11.07. 21:01 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sun 11.07. 22:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach device 2 from timer 'The Gates' (Sun 11.07. 20:59, channel KGUN-DT) at Sun 11.07. 22:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Sun 11.07. 22:01 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Mon 12.07. 19:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: recording timer 'The Good Guys' (Mon 12.07. 19:59, channel KMSB) at Mon 12.07. 19:59 on device 2 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Mon 12.07. 19:59 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Mon 12.07. 21:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach device 2 from timer 'The Good Guys' (Mon 12.07. 19:59, channel KMSB) at Mon 12.07. 21:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Mon 12.07. 21:01 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 15.07. 20:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: conflict found for timer 'The Mentalist' (Thu 15.07. 20:59, channel KOLD) Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 15.07. 20:59 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: retry check time Thu 15.07. 20:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 15.07. 20:59 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 15.07. 20:59 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 15.07. 22:01 Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: detach stopping timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: add pending timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: attach starting timers Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: check time Thu 15.07. 22:01 - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: create conflict list - done Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: result of conflict check for Thu 15.07. 20:59: Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:17: timer 'The Mentalist' (Thu 15.07. 20:59, channel KOLD) failed Tue 06.07.2010 23:08:21: check for timer conflicts - done
On 7/4/2010 11:27 PM, Christian Wieninger wrote:
Am 05.07.2010 00:09, schrieb Timothy D. Lenz:
adding the -v 3 doesn't show any more in the logs that I have seen, but another example of how changing the channel on the timer is messing something up:
The additional logs are in <vdr-config>/plugins/epgsearch/epgsearch.log. You can find there a section starting with
...timer conflict check started
and then the complete simulation of the upcoming recordings.
Regards, Christian