there's several open hdtv channels on Eurobird 9e
MelodyZen.tv;EUTELSAT:11804:VO0S0:S9.0E:27500:3321:3322=NAT,3323=MUS,3324=eng,3326=fra:0:0:332:158:158:0 LUXE.TV HD;DVL.TV:11804:VO0S0:S9.0E:27500:3011:3013=fra,3014=eng,3015=deu,3016=ita,3017=rus,3018=esl:0:0:301:158:158:0 LUXE.TV UK HD;DVL.TV:11804:VO0S0:S9.0E:27500:3041:3044=eng;3043=eng:0:0:304:158:158:0
but with each channels I have the problem on my vdr 170 + xineliboutput + svn ffmpeg
On MelodyZen I have jerking pictures with slow motion
in the log I have
200 frames delivered, 78 frames skipped, 0 frames discarded video_out: throwing away image with pts 10711859 because it's too old (diff : 4105). 200 frames delivered, 75 frames skipped, 1 frames discarded 200 frames delivered, 80 frames skipped, 0 frames discarded 200 frames delivered, 81 frames skipped, 0 frames discarded 200 frames delivered, 79 frames skipped, 0 frames discarded 200 frames delivered, 79 frames skipped, 0 frames discarded
I tried to record this channels and playback again by vdr - I have the same problem. But if I will try to play this file by ffplay - I don't this problem - the video is smoothly. It's seems there's problem with xineliboutput or xine-lib-1.2
the other hdtv channels
LUXE.TV HD;DVL.TV:11804:VO0S0:S9.0E:27500:3011:3013=fra,3014=eng,3015=deu,3016=ita,3017=rus,3018=esl:0:0:301:158:158:0 LUXE.TV UK HD;DVL.TV:11804:VO0S0:S9.0E:27500:3041:3044=eng;3043=eng:0:0:304:158:158:0
have the problem as well.
with szap2 & ffplay I can see this channels without any problem
./szap2 -c 9 -n4 -r -p cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 | ffplay -
could someone test these hdtv channels