On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 01:36:34PM +0200, Matthias Fechner wrote:
hm, here you are right. Does anyone knows if the POV mainboard (http://www.pointofview-online.com/showroom.php?shop_mode=product_detail&...) works with the VGA2SCART adapter?
AFAIK all more recent (aka VDPAU compatible) nVidia graphics run VGA2SCART flawlessly. There are found many VGA2SCART success stories at [2].
I myself use an POV ION 330-1 for VGA2SCART.
If you should decide to use my favorite VGA-to-SCART adaptor [1] a minor problem could arise. Newer VGA ports often don't provide 5V+ at pin9 (VESA-DCC) any more. In that case you simply use any other 5V+ source instead.
cheers Thomas
[1] http://lowbyte.de/vga-sync-fields/vga-sync-fields/README [2] http://www.vdr-portal.de/