Vom: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 14:31:33 +0200
'1' means that this channel is "hardwired" to device 1, whether it's encrypted or not. Generally hardwiring channels to devices is not recommended.
'0' means the channel is FTA (free to air, unencrypted). Values greater than 0xFF define the CA ID of that channel, which means it is encrypted. There can be more than one CA ID for a given channel, as in "98C,9C4,98D".
Ah, so when I decode the hex number, any channel with CAID < 255 should be unencrypted and viewable? (I'm not getting what "device" means in this case)
Eurosport360HD 5,Eurosp360 5;SKY:378000:C0M256:C:6900:0:0:0:0:310:133:4:0
(complete line) for example.
If this is an encrypted channel, then the provider doesn't broadcast the CA ID according to the DVB standard.
Ah, that makes sense. (Well, it doesn't but it seems to be the case here). I suppose there is no easy way to cycle through channels from a script and actually try if they can be decoded?
Just post two lines, one for an FTA channel and one for an encrypted channel.
I think the problems are channels that don't follow the standard correctly as you said. Still:
FTA channel that can be displayed:
SWR RP HD;ARD:330000:C0M256:C:6900:5131=27:0;5132=deu@106,5133=mis@106:5134;5135=deu:0:10304:1:1051:0
channel marked as FTA but can't be displayed:
NHK WORLD-JAPAN (eng);Digital Free:546000:C0M256:C:6900:2931=2:2932=eng@3:0:0:53120:61441:10004:0
channel with CA ID (can't be displayed):
Euro Star (tur);Türkisch:546000:C0M256:C:6900:671=2:672=tur@3:0:1722,1834,9C7,1861,9FD,1854:53210:61441:10004:0
Regards, Daniel