On 21/07/06 16:04 Jens Auer wrote:
On Fri, 2006-07-21 at 15:33 +0100, Richard Wall wrote:
I've just been writing some docs describing the way I set up VDR / Xineliboutput on Ubuntu Dapper / Debian Unstable. The docs that you probably want to read are:
http://linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/DEBIAN_Compiling_VDR_Source_Packages http://linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/DEBIAN_Configuring_VDR
Is there a way to incorporate patches into the build-process? I want to try at least the UTF and settime patch because some files contain special characters and I want to run vdr not as root. I am also interested in the livebuffer patch (or even the bigpatch, which has most of the stuff in one package).
There are some optional patches included with the Debian source package, see "Optional Patches" in here: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/trunk/debian/README.Debian?op... ...and the patch list is here... http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/trunk/debian/patches/00list?o... ...but I don't see the patches that you mentioned.
I haven't tried it, but this page also mentions patching the Debian source packages: http://www.murrayc.com/blog/permalink/2006/04/21/building-modified-debian-pa...
Although I suppose it might be difficult finding a version of the patch to apply to the particular version of VDR used in the source package.
Anyway, if you figure it out, try and document it on the wiki.