On Wednesday 12 March 2008, Ville Skyttä wrote:
On Wednesday 12 March 2008, clemens kirchgatterer wrote:
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Joerg Pulz Joerg.Pulz@frm2.tum.de
Out of this four cases (there are probably more, one for every Linux distribution on this planet), tell me which is the most reasonable default?
the most reasonable default is simply to put vdr.pc in [$(DESTDIR)/]$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig. for cases that this is not appropriate, there is $PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
Agreed. The second revision of the patch is attached; compared to the first one this also installs the *.pc file to the first (colon separated) component of $PKG_CONFIG_PATH, or to $(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig if $PKG_CONFIG_PATH is not set in the environment. Unless I've missed something, as far as I'm concerned this is good enough to go in.
Here's the third revision, after a bit more testing. As a result of that, there were a couple of minor bug fixes, most notable of which was to the install-includes target.