Hi Dick,
i wrote a small shellscript which does the job. It looks, if the original video is a mpg or different and do the right steps to get a vdr-video. You need mencoder and genindex for the script. Let me know, if this works for you, too.
regards, Friedhelm.
Dick Streefland wrote:
I'm trying to convert video clips from my camera (KonicaMinolta A200) to .vdr format, so that I can watch them using vdr, but so far I had no success. The format is MJPEG 640x480 30fps, with PCM audio (7875x16x1). I can convert it to MPEG4 with:
transcode -i "$in" -x mov,ffbin -y ffmpeg -F mpeg4 -N 0x55 --no_audio_adjust -E 11025,16,1 -o "$out"
but i cannot convert it to MPEG2. I found some hints that I could use mplayer to do the conversion, something like:
However, when I play this with vdr (after generating the index.vdr file with genindex), this video is not the right size, it skips every few seconds and there is no sound.
What do I have to do to get a proper vdr recording?
set -x
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo >&2 "`basename $0`: import mpeg file in vdr" echo >&2 "Usage: `basename $0` filename.mpg" exit 1 fi
if [ ! -d $VIDEODIR ]; then echo >&2 "Target video directory does not exist" exit 1 fi
echo $1
BASENAME=`echo "$1" |perl -pe 's#^.*/(.*)..*?$#$1#' | perl -pe 's# #_#g'` SUFFIX=`echo "$1" | perl -pe 's#^.*.##'`
DATE=`date '+%F.%H:%M.50.50.rec'`; TARGETDIR="$VIDEODIR/$2/$BASENAME/$DATE";
mkdir -p "$TARGETDIR"
if [ "$SUFFIX" <> "mpg" ]; then nice mencoder -ofps 25 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg \ -mpegopts format=dvd -vf scale=720:576,harddup \ -srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000 -lavcopts \ vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:keyint=2:acodec=mp2:abitrate=192:aspect=4/3 \ -o $TARGETDIR/001.mpg "$1"
nice genindex -i $TARGETDIR/001.mpg -r -d "$TARGETDIR" -s 400 rm $TARGETDIR/001.mpg else nice genindex -i "$*" -r -d "$TARGETDIR" -s 400 fi touch $VIDEODIR/.update