----- Original Message ----- From: "Oliver Endriss" o.endriss@gmx.de
Laz wrote:
I can see at least two options:
- Delete my remote.conf and program the 'keyboard' remote using the
front panel (I won't be able to use the proper keyboard to control vdr but I'm sure I can cope with that!).
- Use the remote plugin with the input device. If I do this, I will
still be getting random commands sent to vdr through the keyboard driver, unless I can remove the usb keyboard driver and get the remote plugin to talk to the remote plugin using a raw device, or something.
Option 2 should work if
- you are using kernel 2.6.x and
- specify the event device of the usb keyboard with the -i option.
The remote plugin will grab the event device for exclusive access and the keyboard driver will be disconnected.
How about using svdrp? You should then of course write a program that handles the keyboard events coming from the keypad and sending proper signals through svdrp. But this is just a thought and might even be much more difficult to carry out than using the remote.conf :)
- Kartsa