Hi a new plugin loadepg has been released.
This is a "plugin" for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR). Written by: lukkino < dpluca@libero.it Project's homepage: http://kikko77.altervista.org Latest version available at: http://kikko77.altervista.org See the file COPYING for license information.
changelog 2005-03-30: Version 0.1.3 - Add setup menu. - Add file loadepg.equiv for equivalences between two or more channels ( see loadepg.equiv file for info ). - Add support for scanning on other dvb devices.
Description: This plugin create a new entry after the last channel of channels.conf and then scan this channel for get a mhw epg list, after that delete the new epg channel.
Command: Press Up or Down arrow for switch on a provider Press Ok for start a new scan Press Back for stop a current scan.
Please read the README before to use the plugin... Any feedback is appreciated. best regards kikko77 and a big thanks for lukkino