let's consider this setup:
- one headless computer, 2 dvb-s cards (1 ff, 1 budget) both receiving the exactly the same set of channels
- this server runs 2 vdr instances: first main one with streamdev-server handling the dvb cards, the other one with streamdev-client
- both of them are running vdr-xineliboutput plugin so that i can have 2 independant outputs(TV) plugged in.
- main vdr is doing the recording and also being used a http stream server for one client (occasionnaly)
The channels i'm using are those: :BBC BBC 1 London;BSkyB:10773:hC56:S28.2E:22000:5000:5001=eng,5002=NAR:5003:0:6301:2:2045:0 BBC 2 England;BSkyB:10773:hC56:S28.2E:22000:5100:5101=eng,5102=NAR:5103:0:6302:2:2045:0 BBC THREE;BSkyB:10773:hC56:S28.2E:22000:5200:5201=eng,5202=NAR:5203:0:6319:2:2045:0 BBC FOUR;BSkyB:10773:hC56:S28.2E:22000:5300:5301=eng,5302=NAR:5303:0:6316:2:2045:0 :ITV ITV1 Granada;BSkyB:10758:vC56:S28.2E:22000:2318:2319=eng:2320:0:10080:2:2044:0 ITV2;BSkyB:10758:vC56:S28.2E:22000:2314:2315=eng,2363=NAR:2317:0:10070:2:2044:0 ITV3;BSkyB:10906:vC56:S28.2E:22000:2363:2364=eng,2314=NAR:2365:0:10260:2:2054:0 ITV4;BSkyB:10758:vC56:S28.2E:22000:2305:2306=eng:2309:0:10072:2:2044:0
I have added esyslog("GetDevice(1) device #%d imp=%x ndr=%d isreceiving=%d isactual=%d isprimary=%d hasdecoder=%d devprio=%d Priority=%d providesca=%d\n",i,imp,ndr,device[i]->Receiving(),device[i]==ActualDevice(),device[i]->IsPrimaryDevice(),device[i]->HasDecoder(),device[i]->Priority(),Priority,device[i]->ProvidesCa(Channel)); before if (imp < Impact) { and added esyslog("GetDevice(2) device #%d SELECTED imp=%x\n",i,imp); before if (NeedsDetachReceivers)
first (main) vdr tunes to bbc 1: it uses the budget card: Jul 4 00:33:24 dvb vdr: [22230] switching to channel 1 Jul 4 00:33:24 dvb vdr: [22230] GetDevice(1) device #0 imp=116202 ndr=0 isreceiving=0 isactual=0 isprimary=0 hasdecoder=1 devprio=-1 Priority=0 providesca=2 Jul 4 00:33:24 dvb vdr: [22230] GetDevice(2) device #0 SELECTED imp=116202 Jul 4 00:33:24 dvb vdr: [22230] INFO: Using software decryption on card 1 Jul 4 00:33:24 dvb vdr: [22230] GetDevice(1) device #1 imp=106202 ndr=0 isreceiving=0 isactual=0 isprimary=0 hasdecoder=0 devprio=-1 Priority=0 providesca=2 Jul 4 00:33:24 dvb vdr: [22230] GetDevice(2) device #1 SELECTED imp=106202
then second vdr is launched and tuned to bbc 2: it uses the ff card: Jul 4 00:37:05 dvb vdr: [22246] GetDevice(1) device #0 imp=116202 ndr=0 isreceiving=0 isactual=0 isprimary=0 hasdecoder=1 devprio=-1 Priority=0 providesca=2 Jul 4 00:37:05 dvb vdr: [22246] GetDevice(2) device #0 SELECTED imp=116202 Jul 4 00:37:05 dvb vdr: [22246] GetDevice(1) device #1 imp=146202 ndr=0 isreceiving=0 isactual=1 isprimary=0 hasdecoder=0 devprio=-1 Priority=0 providesca=2 Jul 4 00:37:06 dvb vdr: [22246] GetDevice(1) device #0 imp=116202 ndr=0 isreceiving=0 isactual=0 isprimary=0 hasdecoder=1 devprio=-1 Priority=0 providesca=2 Jul 4 00:37:06 dvb vdr: [22246] GetDevice(2) device #0 SELECTED imp=116202 Jul 4 00:37:06 dvb vdr: [22246] GetDevice(1) device #1 imp=146202 ndr=0 isreceiving=0 isactual=1 isprimary=0 hasdecoder=0 devprio=-1 Priority=0 providesca=2 Jul 4 00:37:06 dvb vdr: [22246] Streamdev: Setting data connection to
How could I adapt GetDevice so that the second vdr would use the same card ? (bbc1 and bbc2 are on the same transponder)
Because if i start a recording or the http client on itv1, one transfer mode is interrupted. It's obviously not what i want. I would have expected bbc1 and bbc2 to be handled by only one card letting the other one free for something else.
in cDevice::GetDevice (device.c): imp <<= 1; imp |= !device[i]->Receiving() || ndr;
This is the problem. Devices in transfer-mode return false from device->Receiving(), so the impact gets increased even with already tuned devices.
Attached is a patch that takes transfer-moded devices into account. Please try it.
could this be replaced by: imp |= ndr;
are there cases where ndr is True and device[i]->Receiving() is false ?
Yes, when the device in question is in transfer-mode or has other priority -1 receivers attached.
if device[i]->Receiving() and ndr is false i guess that would mean this device should be selected. (and maybe imp shouldn't be increased in that case)
On the contrary, this check is for the situation that the already-tuned device should be used, even when Receiving() == true.
or/and what could i change in: imp <<= 1; imp |= device[i] == ActualDevice(); so that it doesn't increase imp if ActualDevice also provides the desired channel ? (or maybe this test could be skipped in that case ?)
In that case the (fixed) first check will not increase the impact and the device will thus be selected, and the impact of this ActualDevice() check does not matter.
another ex: for a reason or another, 1st vdr tunes to bbc1 and uses first dvd card (the ff one) then second vdr wants to tune to bbc1 as well: unfortunatly the selected device is not the first one but the second one because it doesn't have a decoder. (and imp is unconditionnaly increased when the card has a decoder)
This is for the same reason I stated above, the first check should ensure that the already tuned card gets selected.
I understand selecting the appropriate device is not that quite simple. Is there a way to make this selection more modular and add a new setting to select between different GetDevice behabiors ?
No need for that, this bug just needs to be fixed.