Am 27.10.2003 um 21:13 schrieb Tom Pfeifer:
my $isdst = 1;
my $time = mktime($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, 0, 0, $isdst);
As discussed in the thread "[vdr] Re: vdradmin-problem summertime"
this can be fixed by setting
my $isdst = 0;
Better: $isdst = -1; or $isdst = (localtime(time)[8]);
At the time i wrote this i don't know how to find out if its winter or summertime. Neither in the POSIX man page or the C mktime man page the "-1" isdst option is described.However, we should ask Thomas Koch why this is hardcoded into the code.