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[vdr] Re: DiSEqC support
Hi Klaus, Oliver, all,
>Also make sure you are using the NEWSTRUCT driver
>and compile VDR with NEWSTRUCT=1. With the old
>driver only [E0 ...] commands will work, since the 0xE0
>value is hardcoded in the old driver.
Aha, that is most likely my problem. However I can`t get
the NEWSTRUCT to work. I did the following
I downloaded the driver from your site (I already had it
installed, but just to be sure) and
cd /usr/local/src
tar -xjvf siemens_dvb-0.9.4-2002-06-23.patch.tar.bz2
ln -s siemens_dvb-0.9.4-2002-06-23.patch DVB
cd DVB/driver
added a line in dvb.c so that my card is found
make insmod (ntv is on the tv)
I didn't get "makepatch" to work. I don't know if this is
necessary. Patchkernel works but didn`t help (second
When I tried to compile VDR with NEWSTRUCT=1
I get lots of error messages about certain c files not
finding a directory called linux/dvb etc. This directory
is not on my harddisk.
I downloaded the complete DVB driver at the CVS
depository and
copied all drivers in to /usr/local/src/DVB
detarred Klaus' patch from above to the DVB directory
cd DVB/driver
added a line in dvb.c so that my card is found
make insmod (program NTV is running on the tv)
then a cd /usr/local/src/VDR and
make clean
Now I get NO error messages, but when I try to start VDR
with ./vdr I get the message "no primary device found
giving up"
I redid a
cd /usr/local/src/DVB/driver
make rmmod
make clean
make insmod
but it didn`t help.
I don`t know where I screwed up and don't want to keep you
developers from your work. Is there anyone out there, who I
could call (Germany would be preferred ;ö)) although I speak
english and german fluently), so that I can install it correctly
in "real time"? I would be very thankful. I am learning fast, but
I have two years to catch up on you guys ;ö))
> > S30W 99999 H 10600 t V W15 [E0 30 6B 14] W3500 W15 T
>With W3500 I'd say you can leave out the following W15 (just a
>cosmetic, whouldn't make much difference).
Yes, I know. It was just a quick try. Using my Nokia or WTV
it usually takes about 1-2 sec, before the motor starts moving.
I even tried 10 seconds. No difference. The motor doesn`t
budge at all ;ö(
>Are you sure your motor reaches the position within 3.5 seconds?
>From any initial position of the antenna?
>That's quite a fast move!
No, of course it won't, but it should at least start moving, which
it doesn't. BTW using this conf I see a problem with the time
out. For example, If I switch from a channel on 19,2 East to
a channel on 13E, it takes my motor about 4+2(initial delay)
seconds to move to the new position. But if switch to a channel
on Hispasat it takes quite a bit longer (because the sat is 30W)
My motor move between 0,7 and 1,3 degrees per second depending
on actual line voltage. The problem: the necessary delay depends
on how I switch from one satellite to another one. It would be a
pain, if I needed to zap through all satellites between 19,2 E
and 30W one by one. However, in your current config, the
DVB card will timeout (and quit adjusting to the channel), once
the delay time is up. The delay time is NOT the same for each
switch to a new satellite since it depends on where my dish is
AND to which position it must drive. Do you have an idea how to
solve this problem? My Nokia simply displays "no signal" until
the satellite is reached. After the motor stops moving and an
additional delay of 1-2 sec, the picture appears (so I don't
know if the Nokia tunes to the channel, sends the diseqc
command and just waits until it can receive a transponder,
or if it sends the diseqc command, waits (although I have
no idea how it would know how long to wait) and then tunes
to the channel. Since diseqc 1.x devices can`t receive diseqc
info, I guess the first way is the way nokia works.
> It is just a value higher than any transponder frequency which can be
> received. Therfore this entry will apply for all frequencies > 11700
> and < 99999.
>I guess I'll have to describe that in vdr.5 - I thought it would be
>obvious ;-)
It was..;ö))........ this morning, after rereading all the info files
in the new 1.1.12. Working late (or would 3:00 AM be early?
;ö)) just doesn`t hit the punch..
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