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[linux-dvb] Re: Timing recording

But, I know that some expensive and closed solutions exist to make frame recognition in a stream. So, it could be implemented in opensource...
Has anyone done it? Or interested to do so ?

Oh yes ! Please Sirs programmers ! Have something done for that ! This would be so usefull ! You'll be able to record your everyday episodes whithout thinking about even recording them. Go out on holidays, they will be there when you come back, all ready to watch and trimed out ! :)))

Gerard, where can I find these kind of solutions ? Even if they're expensive ? I would like to check them out.

Alexandre CONRAD
Research & Development
tel : +33 1 30 80 55 00
fax : +33 1 30 56 50 20
6, rue de la plaine


Honza Petrous wrote:
On Èt, 2002-12-12 at 17:30, Sergei Haller wrote:
On 12 Dec 2002, Honza Petrous (HP) wrote:

HP> I think that you should play with EPG data (if they are any).
HP> I guess it is only real solution for (not only) your problem.

I'm ot an expert in EPG data, but AFAIK you can't trust the EPG date, at
least not up to a second.


I'm not expert either. But what should be an alternative for VPS
signalling in DVB world? I guess that EPG whould be fine. But
it depends on how "quickly" provider update EPG event in stream.



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