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[linux-dvb] Re: SiemensDVB-drivers 0.8.2 RX problem

Il 14:37, martedى 16 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
> Hi all,
> I use 0.8.2 siemens drivers for Linux and I my "dvbd" tells me there is no
> signal ("Sync=0"): the very strange thing is that, under Windows 2000
> (using win drivers for the same card), I have good signal, using same
> parameters.
> Satellite datas are:
> Freq: 11262 MHz
> SRate: 27.5 MS/s
> Pol: H
> Unicast PID: 3003
> Multicast PID: 2004
> Service name: OpenSky (European).
> Satellite: Eutelsat 7 degrees S-SE
> Card infos:
> WinTV Hauppage.
> Linux infos:
> Kernel 2.4.9
> Drivers info:
> siemens driver 0.8.2
> Linux distribution:
> RedHat 7.1
> Thank you very much for your support
> Roberto Arcomano

I add my /etc/dvbd.conf file:

# DVB receiver configuration file, (c) 2000 data planet international

# standard location in /etc

# LNB power on=1/off=0

power 1

# symbol rate [symbol/sec]

symbolrate 27500000

# ASTRA TR 114

frequency 11262000

# 22 kHz signal on=1/off=0

ttk 1

# diseqc on=1/off=0

diseqc 0

# AFC on=1/off=0


# polarisation H=1/V=0

polarisation 1

# settings for MPE filter, PID and MAC filtering, valid MAC bytes

filter_0 3003

filter_1 512 00:D0:5C:1E:22:33 48

filter_2 2004 00:D0:5C:1E:22:33 48

Thank you again
Roberto Arcomano

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