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[linux-dvb] Re: Playback VDR recordings on a WINDOWS2k Machine ?

   You can try elecard source filter.I have tried it yet.But someone told me that it can work.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Axel Gruber <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: [linux-dvb] Playback VDR recordings on a WINDOWS2k Machine ?

Ok - this is a LINUX-Mailing-List - so - please don´t kill me :-)

My question:

I have tryed several WINDOWS-Utilitys and some Player software (WINDVD, DVD-ATI-PLAYER, WIN-MEDIA-PLAYER with LSXPlugin) but i can´t watch the recorded Movies from my VDR machine.

ONly if i remultiplex the stream at the linux-Machine i can watch it...

Is there anyone who can watch VDR-Movies directly without remultiplexing - and if yes - with what kind of software....


Axel Gruber

PS: I´m still searching a "clear" linux-Method to convert a VDR-recorded-Movie to MPEG1 (VCD)

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