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[linux-dvb] Integration Script

hi all.

it seems *g* that there is some need for such a thing *g*, so if
anyone is interested, here it comes:

is a script you could use to control VDR and its siblings DTV and
DVDPlayer. in the user-menu of VDR via

you can play DVD愀, switch to DTV and shutdown or reboot the machine.
after dvd-playback (exit in the dvdplayers menu) you will get back to
VDR. resuming VDR after DTV is not implemented now due problems with
the DTV user-menus (as you see in recent messages on this list), i
will fix that later;-(


- dvdplayer (with cssauth), DTV and VDR should of course be
functional standalone

- i use /usr/local/bin for the binaries (like dvdplayers "make
install"), DTVs "make install" has its own stile - i used that

- the drivers are in /usr/src/DVB/driver

- a "power" button defined in lircd.conf and used with irexec to run
"runvideo reload-driver" (see below)

how i use it:
i扉e got linked K01runvideo and S22runvideo to a modified suse rc-
file named /etc/init.d/runvideo in /etc/init.d/rc3.d on my Suse 7.2
sys. this runs all at boot-time.
playdvd (see below) is modified with absolute paths to find the
necessary files.
dont forget to run "lircd" and "irexec -d <conf-file>" before
starting runvideo - best use a rc-template and adapt that.

hopefully i have nothing forgotten, feel free to ask, modify or
suggest improvments or: build a better script ;-)


my irexec file:

my playdvd mods:

my /etc/init.d/runvideo (mod from suses rc-scripts):

thomas jagoditsch

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