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[linux-dvb] Re: wrong aspect ratio with vdr recordings if viewed with Windows Media Player and Elcard MPEG2 decoder

> Hello,
> viewing VDR files using Windows Media Player. The MPEG2 decoder is the one
> that comes with Elcard player and allows directly view PES streams. My
> recordings are from SAT.1 and are shown correctly if viewed with Elcard
> player. If viewed with Media Player the aspect ratio is wrong (too small).
> Does anybody know if this is a problem with the PES stream recorded with
> or a misbehavior of any of the Windows components (elcard decoder or Media
> Player)?
Itæ„€ no problem, Elecard will Display the wright Aspect Ratio. Sat1 sendæ„€
an "2/3 D1" Stream
(480x576), and the Player should correct this to to an resolution 720x576
(D1). The Media-Player
could not do this, but Elecard or the DVBs do this.

The same thing happens if you make "SVCD"s, there have the same resolution.

Andreas Share

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