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[linux-dvb] Re: CI-Cam and VDR 0.82

>> Currently you would need two VDR machines for that, because the driver
>> only supports one single CAM per machine :-(
>Also in Future it愀 not a bad idea to implement a
"VDR-COMUNICATION-LANGUAGE" so >2 or mor VDR systems can cumunicate togehter
to split ther work.
>I have now 4 DVB-S CARD愀 in my system and the PERFORMANCE-limit is now
>If i record on all 4 CARD愀 at the same time i use  60% CPU-POWER (on a
700MHZ >SYSTEM) and the HD is also busy (DMA ist ENABLED) - Perhaps you can
make fine-Tuning >if you split the DATA-STREAM to different harddrives - so
the load per HARDDRIVE is not so >high. Another idea is to use  Harddrives
wich are "FASTER"
>Sometimes i have "Buffer 100%" or other error愀 .... - but only
>Possible Method: (only symbolic)
>I think that this "communication" could be realy simple like Request:
CI-DVB-CARD free at >VDR2 - if YES - sent the TIMERINFORMATION to this VDR -
that愀 all - and if not FREE - >VDR1 have to RECORD it or RECORD isn愒
>This is only a "wild roadbook" ... - but this should work...

I think this AND a driver who will work with more than one Card could work
for ALL possible configurations:) A better solution could not build, i

Andreas Share

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