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[linux-dvb] Re: running vdr in a ram-disk

no bad idea so far. my "problem" is not noise at all.
i put the vdr-pc in another room then my living room,
and drilled a hole in the wall for the lirc interface. :)
so no noise a all.
but i want to
a) save energy (not that much, but why not...)
b) avoid heat, because the dvb card is hot, the prozessor
is hot, and my pc is in a small room w/o ventilation.
so the no running hd would be nice.

servus hannes!

Johannes Schoeller
<icq 2802639>

From: "Harald Lipphaus" <>

Hi all together,
I惴 using another aproach:
Diskless WS with NetBOOT Rom and the HDs in  the Server...

so nearly no noise in my living-room.

BTW.: I use a dedicated Ethernet Link to the Server (Full-Duplex) with
absolute no problems when Recording or Playback....

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