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[linux-dvb] Re: Auto-shutdown after recording

> I would like to achieve the following:
> - Start VDR with an external switching clock (programmes by hand)
> - Do the programmes recording.
> - Shutting down my linux machine after recording
> - Switching of power with a.m. clock

> Is there a simple way to get this? Maybe it is possible to
> generate an crontab entry while programming VDR.

What kind of Mainboard do you have ?

if you have a ATX - then you could turn it off by using Software !

If you don´t have a ATX - then you could use a small System (like USV)

Most USV´s "say LOW-POWER" to ther Machines - so they shut down...

I only know this from NOVELL -. but i´m sure this is also at LINUX.

Someone have told me that someone made a short Module for this - but i don´t know who :-(

Perhaps Klaus Schmidinger dows know this - he sayed me that someone has offered him such a Module.



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