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[linux-dvb] Re: problems :)

Am 15.03.01 19:16:59, schrieb Axel Gruber <>:

>> .) rebooting with CAMs inserted doesn.t work most of the
>>     time. the picture stays black, and the "convergence"
>>     message reappears serveral times. after pulling
>>     the CAMs and reloading the DVB everything works
>>     fine again. the best workaround is to pull the CAMs,
>>     reboot, after n-tv appears wait some seconds, then
>>     to insert both CAMs at the same time.

I have the same Problem. On my System this happens if you'r on a CAM-channel AND record or play, but the one you'r looking for works fine, but no 
other channel from the CAM

>Do you have more than 1 DVB Card in your system ?


>I you have more then one - connect the CAM-Reader to the other CARD. I have noticed that only if you connect the Cam to the card with the highest 
ID (i have 3 Card´s) the Driver initialise it correct !

in the channels.conf is a Field vor the DVB-Card with the CAM - there you can find a 3 in the Files from Klaus

>If i connect it to one of the other card´s i have  exactly the same problems like you !

By Michael

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