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Re: PID/MAC filtering
Thomas 'Dent' Mirlacher writes:
> hi list,
> ... i know this reply coms a little bit late, but i still have some
> problems ... :(
> > The lower 8 bits are the filter mask, i.e. it specifies which bits are
> > checked, the higher 8 bits specify which value those bits should have.
> > So, in the example from CyberLogin.c:
> >
> > struct bitfilter filt = {
> > 0x200,
> > { 0x3eff, 0x00ff, 0x00ff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00ff, 0x00ff,
> > 0x00ff, 0x00ff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000},
> > 0x1c,0
> > };
> so if the hi-byte is the value and the lo-byte is the mask, there has
> to be a problem somewhere (in my thoughts or in cyberlogin)
> according to the standard the above would filter:
> table_id
> section_syntax_indicator
> private_indicator
> section_length
> section_number
> last_section_number
> MACaddr[3]
> MACaddr[2]
Sorry, I should have explained this earlier.
The second and third bytes (section_syntax_indicator ... section_length)
are not filtered.
I just left them out of the filter definition. So, the second byte
is MACaddr[6] ...
One would have to cut them out anyway before giving the filter to the
A general DVB filter API for Linux which also works for other cards will have to
be implemented later.
> would appreciate any comments on this. another question is, if we can separate
> pids from the bitmask - or can someone give me a good reason to have one
> bitmask per pid - and not multiple pids and multiple bitmasks (applying to
> the sum of filtered pids)
The hardware (TMX320AV7110) has a table of 32 PIDs and each of the
max. 32 filters a pointer to the table entry.
So, while more than one filter can point to the same PID, several PIDs
cannot point to the same filter. Itīs a hardware limitation.
Also consider that the max. hardware filter length is 12, software
(in firmware) filters go up to 16 bytes but take processing time from the
ARM core.
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