struct dvb_frontend — Frontend structure to be used on drivers.
struct dvb_frontend { struct dvb_frontend_ops ops; struct dvb_adapter * dvb; void * demodulator_priv; void * tuner_priv; void * frontend_priv; void * sec_priv; void * analog_demod_priv; struct dtv_frontend_properties dtv_property_cache; #define DVB_FRONTEND_COMPONENT_TUNER 0 #define DVB_FRONTEND_COMPONENT_DEMOD 1 int (* callback) (void *adapter_priv, int component, int cmd, int arg); int id; unsigned int exit; };
embedded struct dvb_frontend_ops
pointer to struct dvb_adapter
demod private data
tuner private data
frontend private data
SEC private data
Analog demod private data
embedded struct dtv_frontend_properties
callback function used on some drivers to call either the tuner or the demodulator.
Frontend ID
Used to inform the DVB core that the frontend thread should exit (usually, means that the hardware got disconnected.